Have you stopped by my new digs on Facebook? Because I assure you the new page is fancy and you won’t want to miss it. We have 148 fans so far (or Likes if we go with the new Facebook lingo, but really? I like the word “fans” better than “likers”, don’t you?). We’d love to have you join us. The new Facebook page updates you with my tweets and the items I share via the BB101 Tumblr blog (mostly tech articles and tutorials from other blogging sites), but you can also click on the Discussion tab and ask a question or answer one from somebody else! It’s a little more interactive over there simply because we can discuss the questions you have about your stuff, not just whatever tutorials or info I’m offering up over here. We’ve been discussing stuff like our favorite WordPress plug-ins and subdomain impressions. If that’s not your thing or you have more basic questions, I would love for you to come and ask them. No matter how basic you think it is, I promise there are at least 10 other people wondering the same thing. And I bet I can help you with the answer (or find someone who can!). So c’mon! We want to talk to you! Won’t you join us on the Blogging Basics 101 Facebook fan page? See you over there!
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