A blogroll, usually listed in a bloggers’ side column, is simply the list of blogs they read.
A few items of “blogroll etiquette”:
- Especially when you are a beginning blogger, be generous in listing your favorite blogs in your blogroll–this is a good way to be listed on others.
- A blogroll is a very personal place; it’s akin to deciding which pictures you want to put on your fridge! You should never feel pressured to add anyone to your blogroll; likewise, you should never feel guilty about removing someone.
- Because a blogroll is very personal, it’s usually not a good idea to ask to be placed on someone’s blogroll.
My blog does not update on other blogger’s blogrolls. Does anyone know why?
Ok… quick question on this. What if you are removed from a prominent spot on someone’s blog roll. Is it rude to ask why? I mean I’ve talked to this person via email and I am a frequent commenter on their blog, yet I have been wiped off their roll… I guess it’s not a big deal, just wondering if it’s kosher to ask why?
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